Opus Asset Management Sdn Bhd has appointed the following as the Shariah Adviser for our funds / portfolios:
Mr. Mohd Fadhly is currently a Member of RHB Islamic Bank Bhd, Sunlife Takaful and Apex Investment Services Berhad Shariah Committee. He has vast knowledge and experience in the Islamic Capital Market (ICM) industry as he was previously the manager for the ICM Department of Securities Commission (SC) Malaysia for 12 years. Mr. Fadhly was also the Consultant to the SC, for the ICM Department. His responsibilities include managing, supervising and monitoring Shariah-Compliance requirements of Islamic product structures in relation to submissions for issuance of Sukuk, structured products, collective investments and Islamic Real Estate Investment Trust. He also undertook research and development activities in relation to Shariah-compliant ICM products and outlined the criteria and manual for the Shariah-compliant securities. On the regulatory side, he was involved in reviewing and providing technical inputs for Islamic Capital Market Guidelines.
In 1995, Mr. Fadhly was awarded a first class degree in Shariah from the University of Malaya and is currently an accredited trainer for the Islamic Finance Qualification (IFQ) by Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment.
Encik Mohd Fadhly bin Md. Yusoff has been appointed as the Shariah adviser for Opus Shariah Cash Extra Fund, Opus Shariah Dynamic Income Fund, Opus Shariah Income Fund and Shariah discretionary fixed income portfolios (collectively known as “the Funds”). En. Mohd Fadhly is currently a Member of RHB Islamic Bank Bhd, Sunlife Takaful and Apex Investment Services Berhad Shariah Committee. He has vast knowledge and experience in the Islamic Capital Market (ICM) industry as he was previously the manager for the ICM Department of Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) for 12 years. En. Fadhly was also the Consultant to the SC, for the ICM Department. His responsibilities include managing, supervising and monitoring Shariah-Compliance requirements of Islamic product structures in relation to submissions for issuance of Sukuk, structured products, collective investments and Islamic Real Estate Investment Trust. He also undertook research and development activities in relation to Shariah-compliant ICM products and outlined the criteria and manual for the Shariah-compliant securities. On the regulatory side, he was involved in reviewing and providing technical inputs for Islamic Capital Market Guidelines.
During his time with SC, he participated in various ICM educational/ promotional programmes with universities, JAKIM, Jawatankuasa Fatwa Kebangsaan, Baitul Mal, Bursa Malaysia, local state authorities and local state religious authorities. In addition, he reviewed the curriculum and syllabus for several institutions and programmes which includes the Islamic Banking and Finance Institute Malaysia (IBFIM), International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF) and Securities Industry Development Corporation (SIDC). As for industry development, En. Fadhly contributed by providing technical inputs for “Resolution of the Securities Commission Shariah Advisory Council Book” and participated in preparing the International Organization of Securities Commission (IOSCO) Task Force report for ICM.
In 1995, En. Fadhly was awarded a first class degree in Shariah from the University of Malaya and is currently an accredited trainer for the Islamic Finance Qualification (IFQ) by Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment.
Tawafuq Consultancy Sdn Bhd [Malaysian Company No.: 201501036171 (1161491-M)] (“Tawafuq”) has been appointed as the Shariah Adviser for Opus Islamic Asset Management Sdn Bhd (“ OpusIAM ”) and Opus Asset Management Sdn Bhd (“OpusAM”). Tawafuq provide shariah advice to the funds namely Opus SRI Sukuk Fund, Opus Shariah Income Plus Fund, Opus Shariah Short Term Low Risk Asset Fund, and Opus Shariah Liquid Income Fund (“the Funds”). Tawafuq will counsel the mechanism of the operations of the Funds’ activities to ensure that the operations and investments of the Funds comply with Shariah requirements.
Tawafuq is an independent global Shariah advisory firm, who are committed to offering comprehensive end-to-end Islamic finance and halal solutions by leveraging on its global presence, in-depth knowledge, and integrated structure.
Named the “Best Emerging Shari’a Advisory Firm 2019” by Global Islamic Finance Awards, “Best End-to-End Islamic Finance Consultant 2019” by International Finance and “Best Training Provider 2019” by Islamic Retail Banking Awards, the firm provides consultancy, research, training, and professional services in the area of Islamic Banking, Islamic Capital Markets, Islamic Wealth Management, Islamic Asset Management, Islamic Fintech, and Takaful. As a registered Shariah Adviser with the Securities Commission of Malaysia (“SC”), Tawafuq is allowed to advise on Sukuk, Islamic unit trusts, Islamic investment funds, Islamic real estate investment trust (i-REIT), Islamic exchange-traded funds, Islamic crowdfunding, Islamic P2P issuances, etc. The firm is also registered as an Approved External Shariah Adviser under the Co-operatives Commission of Malaysia, a community member of the Malaysia International Islamic Financial Centre, and a member of the Network of Islamic Finance Training Institutes, a global network of 64 Islamic finance training institutes. It is also empanelled on the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation’s list of preferred Shariah Advisers.
With experienced and well-trained Islamic finance professionals and scholars on the board of the firm, Tawafuq offers comprehensive public and in-house training courses, quality research, and well-integrated and up-to-date consultancy to regulatory bodies, government agencies, financial institutions, fund management companies, the corporate sector, higher learning institutions, and the public at large.
Tawafuq reviews the Funds’ investments on a monthly basis to ensure compliance with Shariah requirements at all times and advises on the Funds’ compliance with Shariah requirements. However, the final responsibility for ensuring Shariah compliance of the Funds with Shariah requirements in all relevant aspects rests solely with Opus Asset Management Sdn Bhd.
In line with the SC guidelines, the roles of Tawafuq as the Shariah Adviser are: