On: June 25, 2024 In: CSR

Lighthouse Children’s Welfare Home Fund Raising

OpusAM’s vision is to help people achieve their financial goals and life aspirations. Our actions are equally aligned with this vision, as we are passionate about contributing to meaningful causes.

In June 2024, OpusAM’s staff and management joined forces for a significant initiative, collectively donating RM5,000 to Lighthouse Children’s Welfare Home. According to Mr. and Mrs. Steven, who manage the home, our donation was timely, as recent severe weather caused a tree to fall on the roof, resulting in damage.

With contributions from the public, the Home aims to support underprivileged children by providing shelter, protecting them from abuse, and assisting those affected by drug and alcohol addiction. Additionally, it aids in their educational and career development, as well as providing vocational support.

Together, we hope to make a meaningful impact in any way we can.
